Beachwood Park Recording Studio is a unique, private live/work recording studio located in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Hollywood. A classic, charming front house, fully furnished and homey. Walk through the beautiful landscaped backyard to the back recording studio and feel as if you're far away from city life. The control room features a 24-channel Quad Eight Pacifica console, a pair of Aurora Audio GTP8s, and a ProTools HD3 system with a 32 i/o Apogee configuration. The live room is equipped with an excellent assortment of guitars, amps, and keyboards as well as a vintage Ludwig drum kit and Yamaha C7 Grand Piano.
Rock This24-Channel Quad Eight Pacifica Console
Rock This24-Channel Quad Eight Pacifica Console
Get Real With Our Sexy Yamaha C7
Get Real With Our Sexy Yamaha C7